
Thank you for your interest in booking a show with Backstage Bar here at Luthier’s Co-Op. Please read below for explicit instructions and basic information regarding booking a show here. Cheers!

stage photo website

The Backline at Luthier’s Co-Op

Please email us at with your ideal dates after looking at our calendar for possible available dates. Please note that we DO NOT book more than 3 months in advance. Also, if you do not receive an email from us, please be patient. We do our bookings in batches. You can reach out again via email, if desired, if you have not heard back in a month. We will ONLY communicate via email for booking to take requests in the order that they come and to have a record of dates offered and promised. There is also a 3 month spacing between return gigs.

Bands can load in any time after 6:00 pm. We provide a sound engineer, full back line and a full PA system to minimize set up and breakdown. Bring ONLY your instruments – we have many stage amps. Drummers can bring their own snare, cymbals, kick pedal and throne only and if desired. We will NOT strike the drum kit. 

  • The first slot plays the entire hour, 7-8pm.
  • The second slot is from 8-9:30pm. Breakdown and setup comes out of the beginning of the second  slot.
  • Third slot is from 9:30-11pm slot. Breakdown and setup comes out of the beginning of the third slot.
  • Saturday’s 7pm performance start may be slightly impacted by an earlier performance.

Note: We do not pay performers nor do we charge the public. Artists are free to solicit donations and sell merchandise (tip bucket, provided). We recommend having a friend carry the tip bucket around the room once during your performance and also bringing attention to it occasionally between songs – it will make a significant difference. You can also offer info for your virtual tip jars. Band Members only will receive 50% off their BAR tab. This discount does NOT include food purchases or extend to significant others, roadies, or guest artists sitting in on a few numbers.

Although the bar is open, all ages are welcome to attend the performances. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns regarding our policies, we will do our best to make you sound great! The most successful performers at Luthier’s Co-Op do their own promotion, create online events, put up flyers, and invite their friends. If you have any promotional material that we can put up in the shop please send to: Luthier’s Co-Op, 108 Cottage St, Easthampton, MA 01027.